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Auto Services - St-Hubert, Rive-Sud of Montreal

Car Repair in St-Hubert, Québec - Auto Flash Service Centre Montreal South Shore

For top notch car repair in St-Hubert, near Montreal, Brossard, and Laval, there are many reasons to choose Auto Flash. We can help to prevent break-downs through oil changes and factory scheduled maintenance.


Our service technicians are professionally trained and will repair your Dodge, Toyota, Nissan, Chevrolet or Acura vehicle correctly the first time, using certified parts. Make sure your vehicle can keep up with your busy schedule by scheduling an appointment for car repairs at Auto Flash on Montreal South Shore.

Our Dodge, Toyota, Nissan, Chevrolet and Acura service facilities are second to none, which is why customers from all over Montreal, Brossard, and Laval, come to Auto Flash to service their vehicles. For high quality car repairs in St-Hubert, Auto Flash is your destination. Make a convenient online service appointment or give us a call. We look forward to helping your car run like new for years to come!

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    Your air conditioning system isn't working? No problem!
    For only $139.00 plus tax, we can verify your entire A/C system, do a pressure test, and refill the system. So you don't go through the entire summer without air conditioning!